The owner of a home based business, you probably do not have money to waste and you almost certainly don't have time to waste. You will want to get the maximum mileage from your work and your time. You've written articles, posted them on the internet and over time you have built up a mailing list of subscribers who appreciate your regular mailouts. If they didn't, they would unsubscribe... wouldn't they? Now there is a temptation to view your mailing list a bit like the story of The Genie In The Lamp. Anytime you want some money, just rub the lamp... er, just mail the list. Actually that approach is very short term. It is USING people, rather than SERVING them. And nobody likes to be used. So here are a few tips to prevent that from happening. * DO send out more non-selling emails than selling emails. Share the same helpful information with your people that you would appreciate receiving. * DON'T promote inferior products or services. * DON'T promote anything just for the commission. * DO warn your readers about popular products that would be a waste of their money. * DO send them helpful information, frequently. I repeated that because it's important. * DON NOT hide yourself. Look, all of us are human. We all make mistakes and it endears people to us when we share some of the mistakes we've made, especially when there are lessons we've learned from those oopsies. * ONLY release quality products. It's better to delay the release of your next product than to send out a halfbaked product. You only have one chance to make a first impression with a customer. If they happen to buy your rushed-release product and it's not up to scratch, they will ask for a refund (well, they should) and they will probably never buy from you again. It is just not worth it. I know, there is a view around that says to stop dillydallying and get your new ebook out there - get it onto the market. You can make it better later, they say - and I guess you can. The problem with that is that if there are lots of refunds and unhappy customers, you won't get a next time with them. Talking about ebooks, I've written a book called Home Business Profits Start Here and I'd be pleased to send you a FREE copy.
You'll also see my list of ELEVEN ways to find a PROFITABLE idea for a home based business. Article by Gary Harvey.
All posts welcome about Internet Marketing and Products, the good ones and the ones to stay away from. Feel free to leave your links to the Good ones. Whats New or Old on the internet.
Or whatever makes you feel good.
Monday, August 6, 2007
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